Tosha Mutter Bradshaw Elementary
April 11, 2024My name is Tosha Mutter and I am the current cafeteria manager at Bradshaw Elementary in McDowell County, WV. Before this position, I was the cafeteria manager at Welch Elementary, also in McDowell County, for 8 years. I am a devoted wife, mother, and nana. I have spent nearly thirty years working in the food industry through various positions and locations, eleven of these years being with the Board of Education. I love cooking, canning, preserving foods, and trying new foods; fruits and vegetables are my favorite foods to eat and try. I get excited every time Donna sends out a list of new items available for us to get. I love giving my students the chance to experience food they may not ever get a chance to try.

Fun Food Adventures: Engaging Kids in the Wonderful World of Nutrition!
During my eight years at Welch Elementary, I was able to provide several different activities and options for our students. Our school system is part of a grant-funded program called Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, which is to provide students with a fruit/vegetable snack twice a week. During this time we try to do taste tests and lessons to educate the students about the foods they are being exposed to, like their health benefits and where they come from. I also offered a mini farmer’s market, allowing students to choose from a variety of fruits and vegetables for their meals. Another fun activity I did was write positive affirmations on bananas and oranges so students could have a pick-me-up and encouraging word. I’m currently in the process of offering these same options at Bradshaw Elementary, we are still trying to get everyone acclimated to these changes.
Crook Brothers is a valuable asset to our organization. They provide so many options for us to choose from, allowing us to expose our students to foods they have never eaten before. Crook Brothers is always reaching out to us with new products as they become available, and Donna is always kind, helpful, and readily available to answer any questions about the products. I can go to Donna with a list of things I would like to get for our students to try and she always tries to let me know if this is something they can get and when they can get it.

Tosha’s Famous Broccoli Salad
Broccoli mini florets 36# (3 cases 4/3#)
Cauliflower florets 12# (2 cases 2/3#)
Diced Green Apples 5# (1case 1/5#)
Diced Red Apples 5# (1 case 1/5#)
Red grapes de-stemmed 5# (1 case 1/5#)
Carrot matchstick 5# (1 case 1/5#)
Onions Red 2# chopped
Coleslaw dressing 2 gallon
1 cup sugar
Chop up any ingredients that are large in size
mix everything together evenly in large containers
Store in the refrigerator for up to a week
Yields about 250-300 servings
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